Finding a meditation practice that works best for you is key to making it a habit and reaping all of its benefits. There are many ways to meditate, and by trying out a few different types you can discover your perfect fit. Here are a few that I like to incorporate into my day!
Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness meditation is usually the first type of meditation people begin with. It is all about awareness. You can practice mindfulness in everyday activities such as doing the dishes or walking the dog. It all comes down to being aware of yourself and your surroundings without any thought about the past or future. Bring your focus in to the present moment.
To practice mindfulness meditation, simply set aside as little as five minutes per day to focus on yourself. Find a comfortable place to sit and relax your body. Bring the focus to your breath. A common misconception about meditation is that you are supposed to erase all thoughts... but that is not necessarily true. Thoughts will come up. Let them pass without judgement, and then redirect focus again to your breath. The ability to redirect your thoughts will strengthen with your practice.
My meditations tend to get disrupted by all my "to-do" lists. Whether it is remembering to pay a bill or call a friend, it seems like those "to-do's" are always finding ways into my thoughts. I have found that over time with daily practice, these thoughts come up for me, but it has become much easier to redirect and focus on my breath.
Loving - Kindness Compassion Meditation
This type of meditation is all about creating and cultivating compassion for yourself and others. Loving-Kindness Compassion meditation is a great choice for those who experience anger or depression.
First, become mindful. Sitting in a comfortable position, relax your body and focus on your breath. This allows your body to be open and inviting to the meditation experience. Once you are in this relaxed state, begin to cultivate feelings of love and kindness. It can help to repeat a Mantra or a phrase to support these feelings. (Something like, "I am happy. I am healthy. I am strong." It is a good idea to personalize the Mantra to yourself and your feelings.) Keeping your mind open to the love and compassion around you, begin to picture someone you care for and send positive energy to them. As you continue, bring others into your awareness. Ultimately, you may bring someone you don't know well or even someone you don't like into your awareness and send the positive, compassionate thoughts you have created to them.
I feel like the world would be a much happier place if we all practiced more mindful kindness for ourselves and others!
Movement Meditation
On the days you are feeling ultra fatigued and think if you relax to meditate you might just fall asleep... these are perfect opportunities to practice Movement Meditation. Movement meditation is simply focusing fully on your movement and sensations in a more intentional way. Movement Meditations can include: Walking, Qi Gong, Yoga, Gardening, Baking, etc.
You get the picture :) Pick a movement or activity that you enjoy, and fully engage in its movements. When you do this, the rest of the day just falls away!
Body Scan Meditation
The Body Scan Meditation is also referred to as the Progressive Relaxation Meditation. I frequently use this one when I have a hard time sleeping or am feeling very nervous or anxious.
There are a few ways to approach this meditation. You can focus on tightening and releasing muscle groups as you work your way up the body, and as you do so the body slowly relaxes into a calmer state.
I prefer to start at my toes, and bring all of my focus to one area of my body at a time. If you consciously relax each part of your body working your way up your legs, pelvis, torso, arms, neck, and head, you will find yourself in a deep and relaxed state. (Although when doing this meditation to fall asleep, I am usually totally out before I get all the way to my head.)
I really enjoy this type of meditation and use it frequently!
Visualization Meditation
I LOVE Visualization Meditations! I find this type of meditation not only useful for relaxation, but it is so useful in visualizing a future that I want to create. Although completely cliche, it is so true that you really can create what you put your mind to!
In a visualization meditation, you can daydream your way into a beautiful place where all your stress disappears. Or! You can visualize yourself in a future that you desire. I find that practicing this meditation reduces my anxiety, improves my mood, and best of all... it can motivate you take actions to create the life you want the most.
Well, there you have it! There are many other types of meditation out there, but discovering what works best for you is how you create a habit that you can maintain. It is recommended to meditate for twenty minutes a day, and if you have the time complete a full hour. Honestly, I have discovered that finding small moments throughout the day to breathe and focus has made a huge difference in my life. Health coaching can help you develop a meditation habit that will support you in your everyday stress management and overall health. I wish you all the best in finding the meditation that works best for you!